NYIF Loan Registration Guide 2022 | Application Portal nyif.nmfb.com.ng

NYIF Loan Registration

NYIF Loan Registration Guide 2022 | Application Portal nyif.nmfb.com.ng: The Nigerian Youth Investment Fund Application Portal for the N75 Billion Youth Investment Fund Loan Application Portal is Now Open.

This post will guide you through the registration process step by step to make sure every applicant gets it right, we will also address some common issues on the NYIF application portal which is NIRSAL MFB website (https://nyif.nmfb.com.ng/Applicants/New).

The NYIF Loan Registration is open to all interested and qualified Nigerian Youths between the ages of 18-35 years. Applicants who qualify can borrow up to N3 Million Naira (Three Million Naira).

Qualifications for NYIF Loan Registration.

Every applicant of the Nigeria Youth Investment Fund (NYIF Loan) should make sure they meet the requirement and eligibility as listed below in order to successfully complete and submit the application online via .

Requirements for Individuals / Non-registered Businesses

If you want to apply as an individual or you don’t have a registered business, kindly make sure you meet the below requirements.

  1. Individual within the age bracket of 18 to 35 years
  2. Has a valid Bank Verification Number (BVN) and means of Identification, such as Driver’s license, National ID and International Passport.
  3. Provision of Business plan Summary or Completed Questionnaire
  4. Entrepreneurship Training Certification from FMYSD Entrepreneurship Development Institutes (EDIs)

Kindly note that if you are applying as an individual or none registered business, you will only be qualified for a loan amount of up to ₦250,000.00

Requirements for Registered Businesses

  1. Must be within the age bracket of 18 to 35 years
  2. Has a valid Bank Verification Number (BVN) and means of Identification (Driver’s license, National ID and International Passport)
  3. Formal business enterprises (Youth owned enterprises), duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)
  4. Business plan Summary or Completed Questionnaire
  5. Valid Bank Verification Number (BVNs) of Directors
  6. Provision of Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  7. Entrepreneurship Training Certification from FMYSD EDIs

NYIF Loan Registration and Application Portal.

Below are the official portal for the NYIF Loan.

Application is available on the Nigeria Youth Investment Fund Application Portal on NIRSAL Microfinance Bank’s site, www.nmfb.com.ng; and the ministry’s website, www.youthandsport.gov.ng or www.noya.ng.

NYIF Loan Registration Procedures.

Follow below steps and complete your registration on the NIRSAL MFB NYIF Loan Application Portal with ease. We well also be addressing some portal challenges and how you can avoid them and have a successful registration and application process.

To begin your NYIF Loan Registration without facing any error or issues on the portal;

  1. Visit the NIRSAL MFB NYIF Loan Application Portal >>
  2. Wait for the browser check to finish (if there is any)
  3. After the page finally loads, Click on “Apply Here”
  4. Wait again for the Application Form page to fully load

Finally, you will begin filling the application details and answering the required questions asked during application process. You can navigate through the application page by using the Next and Back or Previous button.

SurvivalFund Free Business Name Registration Portal | sfund.cac.gov.ng

Make sure to fill your name arrangements (First Name, Middle Name & Last Name (Surname) as it appears on your National ID or Any ID you have and also same on your Bank Verification Number (BVN).

Also make sure you don’t supply any false information about yourself and give incorrect answers to the questions asked during your application processes.

If you still have questions you need answers to, kindly feel free to drop a comment below and w will try to answer you as soon as possible. 

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